Thursday, December 31, 2015

Week 22: Season 4 Episode 3 (Lake Marion, MN)

Hello everyone!! This week was so awesome. Being able to talk to family and have a Christmas on a mission was such a blessing. It was so fun going house to house seeing people and wishing them a Merry Christmas! :)
Monday: We helped a member take in a entertainment center into there house and man was it so heavy. It took a long time!! But I got a good workout in. Then we went to see a less active guy who has really bad health. We always go to his house and read the Book of Mormon with him. 

Tuesday: We started the day by making some cookies and made some cards and that took quite a bit of time. Then we did some service at a place called Prince of Peace. I helped load lots of groceries for people in there cars. It was really fun! But it is starting to get really cold here.  Then we had dinner with some members it was fun! I am just having a hard time getting to know people in this area, because I am so used to Thunder Bay. So I am a bit frustrated right now with that.

Wednesday: We had District meeting. My first one in my new district. Man we had so many missionaries there. We have a huge district. Plus the AP's showed up and gave a training on obedience. It was super good and definitely got me motivated to be more obedient. Then we had dinner with a member that was good. Then we played basketball at the church that night with some investigators and members and it was fun! Basketball always helps me.

Thursday: We went to Prince of Peace again. It was really good! Then as a Zone we went to Applebee's and it was really good. But there were so many Tv's and it was hard to eat while not looking at the Tv haha. Then we went and looked at Christmas Lights with a less active family. They are like my favorite family. They are so funny! They give every missionary a nickname my companions nickname is obviously Clark Kent because he is Superman pretty much. But they call me Captain America. I don't really know why, but it is cool I guess hahah!! 

Friday: Christmas Day!! Man was it good. We opened presents with the Holmbergs and that was so fun. Then we went to the Woods home to Skype home. Man I really love and miss my family, that was such a good phone call to see everyone and talk for a little bit. Brenden's voice is much deeper so that was really funny. I just could not believe it haha.

Saturday: We had Coordination with the Ward mission leader, then immediately after that we went to the church and played basketball for 2 hours with lots of people. They we planned for a little bit. Then played some volleyball for 2 hours. I love volleyball!!! It is so fun!! After that I was pretty sore though, cause you know me I don't like to lose so I go all out. It was pretty hard to walk after just because my legs were beat haha.

Sunday: We went to church and it was good, other than no investigators came. But after church we gave two blessings. Then we had Brunch at a less actives home. They are so cool! Then we had a lesson with a recent convert about helping him receive the priesthood and what he has to do to get it. Then we ate a the Milne's there son returned from his mission last Wednesday and it was cool talking to him about his mission. He was serving in Mexico. Then we did some planning the rest of the night because we are a little bit behind on that.

Tomorrow I am going on exchanges with my District leader Elder Richins who is going to play shortstop at BYU when he gets home. So I am pumped for that. He is a Spanish Elder so hopefully I can learn some more Spanish :) But thanks for all the emails and everything. I had a great Christmas and hope all of you did as well.  Have a great New Years. I love you all!


Elder Anderson


The very best Christmas present we could have received was being able to skype with Elder Anderson on Christmas morning. It seriously was so wonderful and we all enjoyed it so much. We miss him like crazy and it was awesome to be able to see his handsome face and hear his voice. He answered lots of our questions and we talked for one hour and forty-seven minutes of pure happiness. He offered a prayer at the end and it was hard to say goodbye but it was so amazing and so worth it. Too bad it is 135 days until Mothers Day, but who is counting, right?

Monday, December 21, 2015

New Companion: Elder Knaphus (Lake Marion, MN)

Season 4 Episode 2 Christmas Week (Lake Marion, MN)

Hello Everyone!! Man I had a great week! It is so much fun being a missionary at this wonderful time of the year. :)

Monday: We went to the Holden's for dinner. They are such a cool family! I really love them a lot. She made the best sweet potatoes ever. WOW! And then as. I was leaving they gave me lots of little gifts and Bro Holden gave me his new tie he just got. Man it was so nice. I already miss that family.

Tuesday: I saw a few members I wanted to say goodbye to before I left. Then pretty much the rest of the day we went Christmas Caroling and handed out our gifts that we made to the members. It was really cool! Then we had dinner with the Wiggs and Jones family. They are another one of my favorite families. They gave me all these gifts too. It was so nice of them! I will really miss Thunder Bay!

Wednesday: My last full day in TBAY. We had breakfast at Brian Finlayson's. He gave all of us tons of gifts too. He bought us these Canada Beanies that are sweet. :) Then Bro Holden took us to A&W. And he gave back my Testimony Journal that I wanted him to write in. Then we did some more caroling and delivering the pretzels we made. Then at 9:30 two members came to our house and gave me some gifts.

Thursday: I finished packing in the morning and got everything ready. Then we left TBAY. It was sad leaving! But the Lord needs me in another place though! We had Zone Pday when we got there. We played a game called 3 step dodgeball it was super sick! Then we went to a place called Adventure Zone and we played Lazer Tag, Mini Golf, I even got in the batting cage and hit some baseballs. That was good to hit again! :) Then after that we went to a place in Duluth called Bentleyville. It is like a ton of Christmas lights and it was really fun! 

Friday: We had Christmas Conference with President Forbes. It was sweet, we sang lots of songs and really felt the spirit. It was overall a great conference. Then we watched the movie " The Sound of Music " Everyone says that is a classic movie, but I had never seen it before. It was okay.. People talked way too good about it for what it was. Then after all that was done, I said bye to the Thunder Bay Elders because they had to get on the road so they could make it back in time for bed. So that night I went on Exchanges with one of the Duluth Zone Leaders ( Elder Harris ) And one of the AP's ( Elder Gardiner ) We taught 3 lessons, I learned a lot from both of them. They gave me lots of advice, it was a really good time!

Saturday: The AP's helped me get all my stuff into their truck and then we left Duluth and started driving to go to Lakeville for my new area. It was a really fun drive! They are super cool, we had lots of fun jamming out to some Christmas music!! Then once I got to the Area I met Elder Knaphus. He is super awesome! He looks exactly like Clark Kent ( Superman) Like EXACTLY!! Hahah! He is such a nice guy too. I am excited to work with him. Then we went and played volleyball with lots of members of the ward, I guess we do it every Saturday from 2:00-4:00. So that is really cool! It was really fun! I met the Sister missionaries that serve in the same ward as us, and they are super cool. Then we went to a Christmas party for a little bit and I got to meet lots of people. A lot of people here know where Spanish fork is and have been there so it was really fun talking about that! 

Sunday: We had church, which was really fun! Man the ward is so big compared to Thunder Bay. It is just like a Utah ward pretty much hahah!! Then we had lunch at a less active members home and it was fun. They are from Texas and man do they have accents haaha! Then we gave a FHE lesson at a members home and showed the the video " Why We Need A Savior". Then we went to another members home and made Gingerbread houses. Our GingerBread house was the Snowflake Arizona temple. It looked pretty sweet, I did not get a picture of it though.. Then we went caroling with some other members and the sister missionaries. We met a lot of cool people and showed " A Savior is Born" To all of them. It was a really good night:)

I am excited to be in my new area! We are going to see a lot of success. I really love this Christmas season. It is definitely one of the best Christmas seasons I have ever had!! Mainly because I really am focusing on the true meaning of Christmas:) I hope you all have an amazing Christmas!! You all mean so much to me. I can't believe I have been out 5 months now. That is weird. I love you all! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!


Elder Anderson

Christmas Conference:

Right before we left TBAY:


Lake Superior:

Right when we got into America:

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Season 4 Episode 1 "Transfers" (Thunder Bay, ON Canada)

Hey everyone! I do not have much time to email today. But I am getting transferred to Lake Marion, Minnesota. I leave on Wednesday. I am super sad about it! But change is good. I will grow and learn from it. I typed up this email for you guys and it got erased ... so that is stupid, but here are some pictures. I hope you enjoy them.

Bishop's Family

The Holden Family 
(This is the family that I had Thanksgiving dinner with)

Breakfast with Santa donut game

The Forneri's and our investigator, Julia

Greg Mulzer soon to be missionary in Anaheim, California

Love, Elder Anderson

Monday, December 7, 2015

Season 3 Episode 6 " Oh Come All Ye Faithful "

Hey Everyone. This week has been really good! I am loving the Christmas Season here in T-Bay. It is so great sharing " A Savior is Born " with members and non members. People really love it. Also on there is a video each day until December 13th of famous LDS members. Go watch it!

Tuesday: We had P day. We went to lots of stores because we needed lots of things. Then we ate at a members home and they invited us to sing in the choir that night. So Later that night we went to the practice they had at the church. It was really fun! None of us are good at all... But it still is super fun. I really want to be able to sing! Hahah! I think it would be so cool. Then Elder Percival and Elder Lowe got here at about 11:30, there drive up here from Duluth was pretty intense because all of the snow.

Wednesday: We had District Meeting with the Zone Leaders. It went really well! Me and Elder Adamson gave a training on being " Lovingly Bold " to our investigators and to everyone. Then later we had a meeting with our ward mission leader. Man those meetings are boring.. He just likes to go on and on.. What is really weird though is instead of saying " You Guys " He says " Yous" which is so wrong.. Man Canadians are weird. Lots of people say it but especially him.

Thursday: I said goodbye to Elder Percival. He has been my Zone Leader since I first got here on my mission. He has been such a good example to me! I will miss him a lot! But he said he is going to email me when he gets home so that is cool. All the missionaries I was serving around at the very beginning are all home now. That is crazy!

Friday: It was planning day.. Sometimes I feel like all I do is plan. It is so boring. But in the middle of our planning we got a call that a member needed a blessing. I gave the blessing! It went well. The spirit really does take over in blessings. I always worry about what to say, but I never should be cause if the spirit is there, he will take over. Then that night we had the ward Christmas Party. It was such a blast! We served the food to all of the members. I really love the people here and when I leave I will be very sad! Us missionaries showed everyone the new video and challenged them all to share it, whether it be on social media or in person with someone. I want to leave the same challenge with you guys. Share it on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Whatever social media you can. If you do share it, I want an email about it! :)

Saturday: From 12:00 - 4:00 we were at a less active members house cutting/moving wood for her so she can be warm for the winter. I was using the axe for the entire time, it was super fun! Really hard work, so I am a little bit sore from it but it was a great time. Then one of the members that came to help us do that invited us over for dinner that night. They bought us Chinese food, it was super good! I also heard that Bronco Mendenhall left to Virginia. Maybe BYU will actually do good now! hahah!

Sunday: We had the Stake President at our ward. He left his house at 3:00 in the morning to get to our church on time, that is how far away the stake is.. Then we had Church which went well. Then we went over to a few active members houses and showed them " A Savior is Born " also we showed " Why we need a Savior." You should go watch both of them. They are incredible. Then at night we went to the Wiggs home to watch the Christmas Devotional. I really liked it! This Christmas Season has been the best because I am actually focused on the real reason of Christmas and that is Jesus Christ.

I can't believe it is already December. Time is flying! Keep sending me awesome emails. They help me more than you know! 

Also, I heard Nick Emery punched a Utah player. Hahaha I don't blame him I would probably do the same thing ;) Hahaha Jk!! 

Have the best week!

Elder Anderson

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Thunder Bay Ward Christmas Party

From Sister Melissa Bagley: "Here is a pic of your missionary from our ward Christmas party last night. They helped serve the food and then shared the new Christmas video with everyone."

From Sister Paige Zobell: "They were so cute last night. All four elders wore Santa hats and served the whole ward Christmas dinner. I told them it was totally wrong - they should have been the ones first in line to east. They all had smiles on their faces the whole time. You would have been very proud of him."

I absolutely love getting random pictures and texts from these wonderful people in Taylor's mission. It has been amazing.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Season 3 Episode 5 " Bowling "

Hello everyone!! It is Christmas season, how crazy is that? Man, it really is the best season!! The new Christmas Video " A Savior is Born" Is so awesome, if you have not seen it I highly encourage you to go look it up.

Tuesday: I went on Exchanges with Elder Bettridge from Cedar City, he is super cool! We taught 2 lessons to investigators and 1 to a recent convert. It was super fun day! Later that night we had a lesson with a guy named Jonothan. He is super awesome and at the end of the lesson he asked me to give him a blessing to help him overcome his addictions. It was really scary, but it went well. 

Wednesday:  We had District meeting, that was really good! Then we went to a recent converts house named Brian, he is so cool, every day he drops off sometime of food at our house. He does not have a car either, he just walks! He is a very good example of serving others I really appreciate him. Then we had a thanksgiving dinner at a members home.

Thursday: We did lots of service, we were shoveling snow for some members that are old. Then a less active member who only has one leg asked us if we would help him get his groceries. That was really fun! We then had dinner at the Holdens, probably my fav family in the ward. They fed us twice this week, once on Monday and Thursday. It was a really good Thanksgiving Dinner. Man were the sweet potatoes amazing😮 Me and the kids in there family really have a bond, it is super fun we made GingerBread houses with the kids :)

Friday: It was planning day..... But early in the morning the High Preist's invited us to a breakfast at a place called the Woking Bird. It has really good breakfast food I really enjoyed it. Then we planned for like 4 1/2 hours. We also had basketball that night so it was really fun to do that! We had a good turn out.

Saturday: We finished out planning because we did not finish the day before.. Planning really is so hard to have patience for. We plan like 4 backup plans for every plan. So it just takes forever. But the Lord is definitely teaching me something. Then we had an idea, one of our investigators Kashuik is really similar to one of our members Greg Mulzer. So we had an Idea to go Bowling with both of them and help them create a bond so he will feel comfortable at church. So we gave President Forbes a call, he was totally cool with it! So we went cosmic bowling with them, It was so sick! I have some pictures I will send. Our white shirts and ties were so bright in there haha man it was cool.

Sunday: We had church of course. It went really well! We talked to lots of members about the Christmas Party coming up this Friday. We are serving the food for the ward. So that should be a really fun night! But also the new video came out " A Savior is Born" I really like it, I am glad I get to go around and share it with everyone. But also I found out that the first 12 days of December there will be a new video coming out every day about Christmas. I challenge all of you to watch them!

I had a pretty good week overall! It is super fun being a missionary in the Christmas season. Hahah we jam out to David Archuleta Christmas songs. It is so much fun! In just a few weeks we are going to go Christmas Carolling. I hope you all will remember the true reason we celebrate Christmas. I really love the emails you guys send! They are so uplifting and inspiring. I can't believe I get to talk to my family this month over Skype. I love you all have the best week.

1) Bowling Saturday Night
2) Me and Elder Bettridge last Sunday haha
3) GingerBread house I made at the Holdens

Elder Anderson

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Ready for Cold Weather?

All decked out in warm clothes and safe 
biking gear! I hope he can stay warm.

11-23-15 4 MONTHS (Thunder Bay, ON Canada)


Hello Everyone!! Another week has gone by. They just go faster and faster as I go haha! This week was super awesome, we went to Duluth for a Zone Training with President Forbes.

Tuesday: We did our weekly visit with a recent convert Brian Finlayson. He is super cool! I really love him a lot he is so nice to us missionaries. He brings us groceries like everyday and drops them off on our front porch! Man, what a guy he is. Then we drove like 40 minutes outside of town to see a less active member with one of the other members in the ward. We found her house, we did not teach her but it was really good to see her again, because she has not been to church since like the first few weeks I was here. After that we went out to eat with a soon to be missionary named Greg Mulzer. He is super cool! He will be serving in the Anaheim California Mission. He leaves December 30th, super stoked for him!

Wednesday: We did our time at the library to start off the day, then we taught a less active, Bro Helps. Then at about 6:00 that night we drove down to Duluth. I drove the whole way (4 Hours) it was raining and it was hard to see, but we got there safely. 

Thursday: It was Zone P day, it was a really awesome day. I got to see my MTC companion so that was exciting. What we did for the activities was we played Hungry Hungry Hippos human style. Haha it is hard to explain but it was really fun! Then we went bowling and shopping. The Duluth mall is so sick and I love going there. At the Zone Leaders apartment building they have a Sauna. I had never been in one, so we all went in there. It was soooooo hot! I have never sweat like that before, but it was pretty cool. Hahaha!

Friday: We had Zone Training with President Forbes. We talked a lot about having back up plans always. I really hate planning, but it was really good to get a good training on it. We talked about the new Christmas Initiative " A Savior is Born " Video. It is super good, I encourage you to go look at it on Then we drove home and went to bed pretty much, we were super tired. Lots of Elders that I have gotten to know very well are leaving.. It makes me really sad. Really they were such good examples to me and I look up to them a lot.

Saturday: We had lots of plans going into the day, but were not able to accomplish a lot of them. We did lots of paper work and really organized our area book. Then a member brought us some Pizza it was really good. Then we had companionship inventory, hahah that is always interesting. 

Sunday: We went to church, then we ate at Bishop's house. That is always fun, hahah the bishops wife is so funny!! Then we taught a lesson to a guy named Kashuik, it went really well, we taught the ten commandments, he said that he will be able to make it to church this Sunday so that makes me really happy! 

I have been out 4 months now, that is honestly crazy hahah! But I am doing pretty good, I am much more comfortable teaching. I am improving everyday. We are still doing Insanity so that is good! I see improvements each day! I have some good pictures for the week :)

1) Elder Foggin, Elder Lianga, and me like 2 months ago but I never knew about this photo until we were in Duluth this week.

2) The Duluth Zone and Zone Training.

Elder Anderson

Monday, November 16, 2015

11-16-15 Insanity (Thunder Bay, Canada)

Hello Everyone, I hope everyone is doing well! I am very sore right now haha.. We started Insanity this week and man it is killing me.  But I am glad that I am working out! It will pay off hopefully! 

Monday: I met a family here in the ward The Moore's and they have been here in for a long time. So I asked them if they knew my Great Grandparents who served as missionaries here and it turned out that they did so that was really awesome to talk about that!

Tuesday: I went on Exchanges with Elder Long and it was really good. We taught 4 lessons. I learn a lot on exchanges! It was really fun! Since he is the District Leader we had an interview after the day was  over! Elder Long told me about how he has learned that serving a mission is really preparing us for marriage and how to deal with one another hahah!

Wednesday: We had District meeting. It was really good! I felt the spirit very strongly. We are teaching lots of less actives right now, so we stopped by a few of those people. Then the Young Men's asked all four of us to talk about why we came on a mission and bare testimony to them. It was really cool! The spirit was definitely there. 

Thursday: We cleaned the house super super good. Then since it snowed here for the first time we set up the Christmas tree in our house and our Christmas table cloth. It was really fun! I am very excited for the Christmas season.

Friday: We cleaned up our study room. It was nice! Then we shoveled a members driveway. Ate at a members home and then we went knocking doors and we met some really cool people that we will go see again. We played basketball and it was really fun! I always love doing that!

Saturday: We helped Bro Jones move stuff around in his garage. Then we had a lesson with a guy named Don. It was really cool, because right when we got to his house he told us that the only reason he is letting us in is because he respects what we do and knows that people are rude to us haha. But at the end of the lesson he told us he would read and pray about the Book of Mormon. So that was really cool! The spirit can really touch anyone!

Sunday: We went to church, then we went to a members home to confirm family home evening for tonight. They were playing Mario Kart Double Dash. So that was hard to see, I miss that game so much hahah!! 

Anyway, I am doing good! The days are very slow but the weeks are flying by. I love you all! Have the best week! Thanks for all the emails and pictures. 

Painting a members home

Elder Anderson

Monday, November 9, 2015

11-09-15 O CANADA (Thunder Bay, Canada)

Hello Everyone!! Another week down. It is going quite fast and slow at the same time. Hahah! This week we did quite a bit.

Tuesday: We had some time and did some finding, but then later I realized that I had something wrong with me (If I explained it any deeper than that you guys would be grossed out) So anyway, I called the mission office to see what they thought I should do. They told me that I needed to go to the Clinic in Virginia, Virginia Minnesota that is haha. Which was like a 5 hour drive. The reason I had to go there was something about Insurance not covering here in Canada. So I had to go back down to the US.

Wednesday: Then we drove all day. I ended up being fine. But man a 10 hour drive was not very fun. I guess getting to know Elder Adamson was pretty fun.

Thursday: We did some service at the Shelter House here in town. It is always fun to go there and help prepare a meal. Then we went knocking on doors. We are trying to find much more people to teach. I am not a fan of knocking doors, but that might be how we are going to see miracles. I try and have the best attitude I can knocking on every door.

Friday: We helped a less active put up his christmas tree. So that was fun! He is very lonely and does not do much. I really feel bad for him! Then we ate at a members house, they are super cool! I really enjoy member meals. Then we played basketball with the ward. That is always fun. Elder Bettridge is a baller so that is fun to guard eachother and compete.

Saturday: We did lots and lots more knocking doors. We found some new people to teach though! So that is good! I am excited to teach them. I am getting less and less nervous while teaching people so that is good.

Sunday: We went to church and it was a missionary sacrament meeting. Elder Long and Elder Adamson spoke. Then we sang the children's hymn " I'm Trying to be like Jesus" none of us are good at singing so that was
pretty entertaining. At least that is what the members said. They also sang " Oh Canada" For remembrance day here. Other than Elder Long none of us knew it. So all the members were laughing at us haha. Then we ate at the Bishops house. He is cool! Then we went back to knocking doors again. So it really feels like all I am doing is knocking on
doors. But we will see miracles as we do so in faith.

All the emails are amazing thank you! Remember to keep sending pictures. I love pictures! I miss everyone, but I am right where I am supposed to be.

Kakabeka Falls just outside Thunder Bay ( The only cool thing to see here )

Elder Anderson ❤😘

Monday, November 2, 2015

11-02-15 New Companion (Thunder Bay, Canada)

Hello Everyone!! This week was awesome! Me and Elder Adamson got to work as soon as he got here. He is really cool! He is from Riverton, UT and Elder Bettridge is from Cedar City, UT. They are both really cool and I am excited to work with them.

Tuesday: Me and Elder Long worked very hard on finding and we were pretty successful. We taught 3 Restorations and invited 2 to be baptized. But too bad those people we taught all are in the North area not the South area where I am.. :( Its okay though!

Wednesday: It was pouring rain and we did not have the car and the wind was blowing really hard so we decided to walk instead of bike. It was miserable. That night we taught 3 less active members and those all went well. Then at 11:30 that night the new Elders showed up, we helped them unpack and get all there stuff ready, so that was a very late night.

Thursday: Me and Elder Adamson were riding our bikes and since I am taking over the Area I know it and he does not at all. It was kinda weird being like the boss haha. But we were riding and I was ahead of him and all of the sudden I turn around and he is not there anymore, so I ride back and he is helping someone take there couch in there house. I thought that was so cool! I learned that I need to be looking for more service opportunities. Then that night we played basketball at the college with Bobby one of our investigators. It was really fun! We got a new investigator that we are teaching tonight from that night.

Friday:We planned like all day.. I do not like planning at all! But it is so essential in being effective missionaries! We still are not even done.

Saturday: Bro Jones in our ward asked if we would do some service with him at his friends house chopping and stacking wood. We did that for 6 hours and that was actually really fun, we are probably going to finish Saturday and maybe try to teach the family that we are helping. It was also Halloween! ( Yes they celebrate it in Canada ) We went out to eat with a less active member that we are working with. We ate at Mr. Stir Fry.

Sunday: We had church which was good. It is weird being the Oldest missionary here in Thunder Bay. Like all the members know me the best and that is just strange to me! We did a lot of finding and man recently I have just been physically beat we ride our bikes so much up and down hills and against the wind. But I mean it is fun sometimes, just hard.

Today: We watched Saratov Approach with a member, that was really good. I love that movie! We were going to go to the mall and get a few things but it is getting almost time to start working again.

I am doing well. I am getting used to being a missionary. I miss home a lot! But I am not thinking about it as much, so that is good. Elder Adamson is great! I am excited to be his companion. I love you all!
Thanks for all the emails, I love them so much.

Elder Anderson

Monday, October 26, 2015

10-26-15 (Thunder Bay, Canada) Haunted Forest and Elder Adamson

Hello everyone! Transfers are this next week. Elder Hawkes and Elder Smith left last night. It was pretty sad. I love those guys, but I am also very excited to have a new companion. So me and Elder Long are here for a few days by ourselves while waiting for the two new missionaries coming up. My new companions name is Elder Adamson. I do not know anything about him, but he looks cool. Elder Longs new companions name is Elder Bettridge.

This is what happened the last week of Elder Hawkes mission.

Tuesday: Not too much happened because that was P day. That night I went on exchanges with Elder Lowe. He is one of the zone leaders and is super cool. He will be playing for BYU basketball next season.

Wednesday: Not too much happened this day either. We did some finding and did our time. Then we met with a less active that normally yells at missionaries and tells them to leave, but he was way nice and let us in. I plan to go there soon!

Thursday: I went again on exchanges with Elder Lowe just for the whole day this time. We did lots of finding and we found a young man named Joseph. We set up an appointment but he bailed.. But that was fun still. Me and Elder Lowe just talked about BYU and it was so much fun.

Friday: Elder Hawkes was packing most of the day and then later that night the YSA invited us to go to a Haunted Forest with them. It was so sick. It had this really cool story line. But I was scared out of my mind still.. hahah I guess cause I get scared easy. But it was really cool to do that.

Saturday: I helped Elder Hawkes finish his packing. Then a member called us and asked us if we would meet them at LakeHead University campus and he had a few questions. He is a student there and is really cool, a recent convert as of this past June. His girlfriend just left on her mission to Italy so he was having a tough time, but he is super cool! But later that night we went with a different member to eat at a place called MadHouse, it was pretty cool. They had some really cool music going. One of my favorite songs came on "Mr. Brightside" It just reminded me of the old times riding in the car with my friends.

Sunday: Elder Hawkes said all of his goodbyes to the ward. It was actually really sad! It made me realize how much I love some of the people in our ward here, and how it will be sad when I leave here. But Elder Hawkes is left and he will see his family on Wednesday and on Thursday he is going to a 21 Pilots concert ( Jealous.. ).

But I am very excited to work with Elder Adamson. He will be great! We are pulling a prank of a lifetime this week on them, I will explain it next week after it happens 😏

I love you all!

Elder Anderson

Elder Hawkes' and Elder Smith's last day here: